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Lay Down Your Power ~ Living As Essence

“Lay Down Your Power”

Living as Essence

“The more quiet you are, the softer you are.” ~ Rumi

What are you protecting? What happens when you lay down the powers of “me”; resentment, flattery, efficiency, melancholy, withdrawal, paranoia, planning, vengeance, indolence, and … ?

On the surface, these defenses may not seem like a power you wield. Who is here behind the shield?

“Your essence is always shining, just as the sun is always shining. In the same way, if you put a finger in your eye, as small and as insignificant as a finger is in relation to the sun, that tiny finger will blot out the sun and cast you into darkness. You may believe the sun is no longer shining, just as you do not notice your fundamental essence behind the powers you wield. You are always shining even more present than the sun, closer than your breath.” ~ Eli Jaxon-Bear, From Fixation to Freedom

Living from essence, you are no longer a separate someone who needs or wants something. This radical and revolutionary shift in Being is life-changing.

It’s as simple and soft as lowering your hand.

Through Self-reflection in the wisdom mirror of the Enneagram of liberation, the chief feature, or core structure, and the Essence of the nine egoic fixations will be the focus of our exploration.

Remember: You are not a number. Who you are is simple… Open… Empty… Love. These meetings are specifically designed not to teach, fix, or learn how to invent or reinvent a better version of “me”. We meet with innocent curiosity in mutual exploration to recognize what stops you from realizing who you truly are, free from all power.

Saturday, December 3, 2022; 9:00 am - 1 pm

Schedule: Meeting times 9:00 - 10:30 am and 11:30 am - 1:00 pm; Silent Pause 10:30-11:30am

Registration Fee: $95

Once registered, you will receive event details with a link to join.

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