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“The Lost Childhood Message”

“The Lost Childhood Message”

What Are You Waiting to Hear?

We all want and need love. That’s what makes us even.

Equally important, we each carry some version of a lost essential message that fuels the search for fulfillment. And, it affects every encounter, event, relationship and situation … until it doesn’t.

What are you waiting to hear? What’s here when you pause … just for now … and listen?

Through Self-reflection in the wisdom mirror of the Enneagram of liberation, the lost childhood message of the nine egoic fixations will be the focus of our exploration.

NOTE: You are not a number. Who you are is open, empty Love that includes the totality of being human. These meetings are designed not to teach, fix, or learn how to invent or reinvent a better version of you. We come together in mutual exploration to recognize what stops us from realizing who we truly are, free from all identification.

Saturday, October 29, 2022; 9:00 am - 1 pm

Schedule: Meeting times 9:00 - 10:30 am and 11:30 am - 1:00 pm; Silent Pause 10:30-11:30am

Registration Fee: $95

Once registered, you will receive event details with a link to join.

October 6

“Life is the Teacher”

November 10

“Now I Can Hear” Silent Retreat