Love Finds Its Opening

In my heart, joyful speech is that, Which from heart to heart finds its opening.
— Rumi

For the past six summers, I have taken 4 – 5 weeks in personal silence and solitude.  As I cross the threshold of the inner sanctum, I shed everything as I know it.  Specifically, I take off all the hats I wear as a mother, student, friend, Nana, and, especially, the role of a spiritual teacher.

Stripping myself naked of all that I think I am, I am free to discover who I am not. As a result, the quieter I am, the easier it is to see through the subtle and not so subtle ways in which I identify as a somebody who needs to prove, impress, manage, fix, teach, control, please or meet the imagined expectations of myself or others. Then, release the grip and fall off the edge of myself. Letting Love lead the way, the opportunity to discover who I truly am is rich with insight, realization, and deeper freedom.

“I” surrender, leaping headfirst into the fire of the Unknown, letting go of all concern for any outcome.  In this spaciousness, the mind comes to rest in its Source. Nothing is happening. Ahhh, Silence.

I love Love, and I love the truth. More than anything.  It feels so good to simply be myself, empty and happy.  To have no answers. This is true freedom.  Seeing through the illusion of control, trying to plan a future that doesn’t exist, and insisting that life go my way.  In quietude, I find a beautiful capacity to choose and draw on that capacity to stay true to emptiness. Here, Love blossoms naturally.  There is nothing to do and no one doing anything. By the Hand of Grace, this life is given and taken in Love.  Staying true is the challenge of a lifetime. And, not easy at times. It is challenging to bear the unbearable.  The path of the Heart is NOT for the faint of heart. Love’s resolve is absolute and embraces everything.

What is here is overflowing gratitude for every event, encounter, and meeting that has delivered me to this very moment. And, that includes the pain and bliss, leaving and rejection, failures and successes, criticism and praise, support and withdrawal of support, insights and realizations, and those moments when I feel like the biggest failure and idiot alive.  Pride and shame are frightful dance partners.  In the space between the two, deeper than inflation or deflation is Something indescribable that is always here and always has been. No matter what.

Essentially, wherever you are is just right for you.

Love takes everything. Empty, naked, I am here.  Nothing added, nothing taken away.  By Its own will, for Its own sake, Love leads the way, and is completely trustworthy.


I LOVE meeting with you in the Heart, discovering and opening to the essence of who we truly are.  As Rumi says, “Joyful speech is that, Which from heart to heart finds its opening.”  Quite naturally, the title of my website evolved into “Meeting in the Heart of All.”  The doors of the Heart open wide for you as receive and accept the invitation to stop the search. Welcome Home!

No method, no way or path, no practice, no searching, no fixing, or changing yourself into a better version of “you” is required or offered. Essentially, wherever you are is just right for you.

“The Heart, which is the seat of Pure Intelligence, generates a longing for completion with its own mind.  Only a mature mind that wants freedom and truth can answer the call of the Heart.  Your yearning is the power and the track Home.” - Gangaji

The role I play in your life is to honor and encourage that longing.  I am here in service to the fulfillment of your Heart’s deepest wish. 

If this message makes sense to you, you are in the right place.  And, if it doesn’t, that’s just fine.

I look forward to meeting you in this sacred way.

May all Being be free of suffering. May all Being be happy.

In deep gratitude for YOU!

Copyright 2021 Linda Floan


The Incomprehensible Meets the Inevitable